Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Installing Ektron CMS400.NET > Managing the web.config File > Settings in the web.config File

Settings in the web.config File



Analytics - see Setting up Google Web Traffic Analytics and Business Analytics Feature

Connection Strings

For SQL Server

Use this connection string to define an SQL server.



connectionString - this part of the connection string contains the following element.

server - the name of the database server to which Ektron CMS400.NET is installed. If installed locally, the value is localhost. This value is set during installation, at the Host screen.

database - use the name of the database.

Integrated Security - use True or False. True - use integrated security.

user - If required, specify the username used to connect to the DSN. This user account must have at least read and write permissions to the database.

Note: This value can be blank if you are using Windows authentication.

pwd - If required, specify the password for the username given. It should match your database name.

Note: This value can be blank if you are using Windows authentication.

Warning! After changing any database settings, you must stop and restart the Ektron Windows Service. See Also: Ektron Windows Service



Provides a mechanism to return from the login page to the previous page, specify the query string key-name. By default the value is RedirectUrl.

Currently, the redirect works in two instances.

1. When a user tries to use a forum but is not logged in, it sends them to a login page and returns them. The value in this key used in conjunction with the ek_RedirectToLoginURL key sends the user from a forum page to a login page and back to the previous page.

For example, a user tries to reply to a forum post, but he is not logged in. He is sent to the login page and then returned to the original page.

2. When a user sends a private message to another user or group administrator from the SocialBar server control, he is returned to the page where he clicked private message once the message is sent.

For example, a user visits a community group’s page and clicks Private Message Admin. The user is directed to the private message screen. Once he clicks post, he is returned to the community group’s page. For additional information, see Private Messaging from the Social Bar.


The URL of the login page to automatically redirect to when a site visitor is not logged in as a user or membership user.


Enter connection information for using Google Maps with the Mapping feature in Ektron CMS400.NET. See Also: Map Server Control


Enter connection information for using Bing Maps for Enterprise with the Mapping feature in Ektron CMS400.NET. See Also: Map Server Control


Choose whether or not to use Ajax for the folder tree in the Workarea.

0 - use the legacy folder tree in the Workarea.

1 - use Ajax for the folder tree in the Workarea.

Warning! This key has been removed from the Web.config file. However, you can still use this key by adding it between the <appSettings> tags. For example, <add key=”ek_TreeModel” value=”0”> changes the folder tree in the Workarea back to legacy.


Choose how you want to display dates in some areas of the Workarea.

long - for example, Saturday May 21, 2005

short - for example, 5/21/2005


The location of Ektron CMS400.NET relative to the Web root. This value is set during installation at the Site Path Directory screen.

If you move Ektron CMS400.NET to another folder, you must update this value.


This value is set by the installation program. You typically would not change it.


This value is set by the installation program. You typically would not change it.


This element is prefixed by the ek_sitePath value and describes the location of the workarea folder. This file stores external applications (such as eWebEditPro and eWebDiff), templates, and the images folder.


The location of the xmlfiles directory. The ek_sitePath path is prefixed to this location.

You would only change this value if you want to move the location of the xml files relative to the Web root.


not used currently -- for future use


The name of the application, CMS400. You typically would not change this value.


Sets whether the redirector is turned on or off in the Ektron CMS400.NET Workarea. Turning the redirector on enables the option of aliasing the URL of your Web site. The default is false.

True = Aliasing turned on

False = Aliasing turned off

See Also: Creating User-Friendly URLs with Aliasing


Set a comma-delimited list of Web page extensions for which you will want to create aliased pages. For example, .aspx,.htm,.html. By default the list contains .aspx.

Note: You can enter one or more extensions. Each extension must begin with a period, and the last extension must be followed by a comma (,).

See Also: Creating User-Friendly URLs with Aliasing


Integrate membership users with LDAP or Active Directory. Set the value to True for Membership Users to be authenticated using LDAP/AD.


The folder that stores the images within Ektron CMS400.NET, such as toolbar icons. You would only change this value if you need to move the images folder to another location.

Note that this value is prefixed by the value set in the ek_appPath variable. By default, ek_appPath is set to webroot/cms400Min/workarea/. So, by default, this folder is set to webroot/cms400Min/workarea/images/application/.


The folder that stores eWebEditPro, Ektron CMS400.NET’s editor. You would only change this value if you need to move the editor to another location.

Note that this value is prefixed by the value set in the ek_appeWebPath variable. By default, ek_appeWebPath is set to webroot/CMS400Min/workarea/. So, by default, this folder is set to webroot/CMS400Min/workarea/ewebeditpro.


The folder that stores XSLTs. You would only change this value if you need to move the XSLT folder to another location.

Note that this value is prefixed by the value set in the ek_appPath variable. By default, ek_appPath is set to webroot/CMS400Min/workarea/. So, by default, this folder is set to webroot/CMS400Min/workarea/Xslt.

Images - These images appear before the user signs in, so cannot be stored in the database. Update as needed.

Their location is set in the ek_appImagePath variable. See Also: ek_appImagePath


close button


small login button


big login button

SMTP server configuration - See Configuring SMTP Settings


The server that processes email


The port your system uses to retrieve email


The username set up to send and receive email


The password set up to send and receive email

Mail Format


The format of the email created in Ektron CMS400.NET. A value of HTML generates email in HTML format, while a value of Text generates plain text email.

SSL Support - See Configuring SSL


Determines if server will use SSL for security


SSL port used by Web server.

Active Directory Server Configuration - See Active Directory Feature


Whether your Ektron CMS400.NET uses Active Directory support.


Enable Active Directory advanced configuration.


User name for the Active Directory server.


Password for the Active Directory server.


The directory access protocol used with the Active Directory feature. The default value is LDAP. Other protocols are GC (global catalog) and WINNT.

Menu Settings - See Working with Menus


Determines the appearance of the menu that appears within every content block after the user signs in.

0 - New dynamic menu - only appears when user moves cursor over content block

1 - Old classic menu - always appears

2 - Menu without borders - a silver pin head appears above content that has a menu available. Hovering over this pin produces a menu.

See Also: Changing the Appearance of the Web Site Content Menu


Note:  This setting only works if ek_UserMenuType is set to zero (0).


Determines the appearance of the menu that appears within every content block after the user signs in.

0 - Horizontal - menu icons are arranged horizontally

1 - Vertical - menu icons are arranged vertically and include the tooltip text

Multilingual Settings


Enable or disable support for multilingual content

1 - enable

0 - disable

See Also: Enabling/Disabling Support for Multiple Language Content


Sets the four-digit, decimal representation of the default content language. For example, American English is 1033.

If you have a version of Ektron CMS 400.NET that precedes than 4.7, all content blocks are set to this value during the upgrade.

See Also: The Default Language


Mainly used in Web services to determine the location of a remote server.

For example, in a Web farm environment, the content server can reside in a remote location. In this case, the developer’s content is replaced with this value, so all <img src=””…/> and <href…. references point to server named here instead of the local one.

Miscellaneous Settings


Determines the location of the Web services page used by the server controls at design time.


The amount of files that can be uploaded at the same time. The default is 4, but it can be any non negative number.

Note: Users can upload any amount of files. The system handles them four at a time.


Choose whether to enable caching for Ektron CMS400.NET server controls or not. For information, see Caching with Server Controls

0 - Disable

1 - Enable


Sets the Workarea search-results mode.

text - returns a text only version of the search results.

mixed - returns text and images associated with search results.

graphical - returns a images associated with search results. See Also: Searching the Workarea


Sets the Workarea Library search-results mode.

text - returns a text only version of the library search results.

mixed - returns text and images associated with library search results.

graphical - returns a images associated with library search results. Result Display Options


Choose whether to enable referrer debug information on the RetError.aspx page.

True - enable

False - disable


Path to the message queue.


Path to the log file name for the message queue


Ektron CMS400.NET has a login security feature that, by default, locks out a user after five unsuccessful attempts to log in. That feature is controlled by this element.

See Also: Restricting Login Attempts.


By default, passwords are case insensitive. So for example, if the password is TOKEN and the user enters token, the sign-on is successful.

If you want to make passwords case sensitive, change the value of this element from false to true.

If you do, and the password is TOKEN and the user enters token, the sign-on is unsuccessful. The user would have to enter TOKEN to sign on. See Also: Making Passwords Case Sensitive


This setting determines if Ektron CMS400.NET uses linkit.aspx when inserting a quicklink. By default, it is set to false.

If set to true, when a user inserts a quicklink, Ektron CMS400.NET inserts a special link instead of a quicklink. A special link determines the correct quicklink to use when a site visitor clicks it.

For example, a user adds a content block to folder A. A quicklink to that content is a.aspx?id=10. Later, if an administrator changes the folder’s template but doesn’t update the quicklink within the content block, the quicklink is broken.

To avoid this problem, enable link management.


The width of the login screen in pixels. You may need to widen the screen if you are using Active Directory and the database names are long.


Note: This setting only applies after a user signs in to your site.

Change this setting if the colored border that surrounds content looks wrong. (The border color indicates the content’s status.)

By default, <table> tags create the border. If the border looks wrong or inappropriate, change setting to div. If you do, <div> tags are used to draw the border instead of <table> tags.

This change typically solves the problem.


This setting determines the maximum number of items that can appear on a page before it “breaks.” When a page breaks, additional entries appear on another screen, and the following text appears near the bottom of the items list:

Page 1 of 2

[First Page] [Previous Page] [Next Page] [Last Page]

Note: The above text changes depending on the page you are viewing.

You must click an option to see and update the remaining items.

This setting affects pages that let you edit the following items:


library items

menu items

collection items

membership users

membership users not verified



Define the XLIFF version to use when exporting files. See Also: What is XLIFF?


Enable Extensibility Plug-in service. For more information on Plug-ins, see Plug-in Extension.


Enable the API developer samples on the Developer demo site shipped with CMS400.NET.

True - enable developer samples

False - disable developer samples


The folder that stores Assets. You would only change this value if you need to move the Assets folder to another location.

Note that this value is prefixed by the value set in the ek_appPath variable. By default, ek_appPath is set to webroot/CMS400Min. So, by default, this folder is set to webroot/CMS400Min/assets.


The “From” email address the system uses when a user sends an Invitation. Invitations are emails that are sent to non-system users asking them to join your site. See Also: Invite Server Control


Setting this key to True enables the system to send e-mail notifications when a user posts a message to a user or community group’s message board. When a user posts a message to another user’s message board, the user who owns the board receives a notification stating a message has been posted. When a user posts a message to a community group’s message board, all members of the group receive e-mail notifications.

It is important to note that when this key is set to True, it activates e-mail notifications for all user and community message boards. However, content message boards are not affected. See Also: Notifications


Select which editor will be used by Microsoft Windows operating system users. Choice are:

ContentDesigner - Use the eWebEdit400 editor. This editor does not require an ActiveX installation on the user’s computer.

eWebEditPro - Use the eWebEditPro editor. This editor requires an ActiveX install on the user’s computer. See Also: Ektron CMS400.NET Editors


Defines the editor that is used Macintosh operating system user. This must be ContentDesigner.

See Also: Ektron CMS400.NET Editors



Enter a numeric value that determines the level of message logging. By default, diagnostic messages are logged in the Event Log. Choices are:

1 = Error: log errors.

2 = Warning: log errors and warnings.

3 = Information: log errors, warnings and informationals.

4 = Verbose: Everything is logged.

ektronCommerce - See Conducting eCommerce with Ektron CMS400.NET


When set to true, payments are sent to a test gateway instead of the actual one.


Select the default currency and enter its Numeric ISO code. This should be done before creating your product catalog.

Warning! Do not change the default currency after your eCommerce site is live.

See Also: The Default Currency


Select whether to use English or Metric measurements for your packages. See Also: Packages

mediaSettings See Also: Managing Multimedia Assets


The class ID for the Windows Media Player.


The class ID for the Quicktime player.


The class ID for the Real player.


The class ID for the Flash player.


Location of the code base plug-in for Windows Media Player.


Location of the code base plug-in for Quicktime player.


Location of the code base plug-in for Real player.


Location of the code base plug-in for Flash player.


Define the relationship between the Shockwave Flash mime type and the Flash player.


Define the relationship between the WAV mime type and the Windows Media, Quicktime and Real players.


Define the relationship between the WAV default mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the AVI mime type and the Windows Media, Quicktime and Real players.


Define the relationship between the AVI default mime type and the Quicktime player.


Define the relationship between the msvideo mime type and the Windows Media, Quicktime players.


Define the relationship between the msvideo default mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the MS-WMA mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the MPEG video mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the MPEG audio mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the realvideo mime type and the Real player.


Define the relationship between the MS-WMV mime type and the Windows Media Player.


Define the relationship between the realaudio mime type and the Real player.


Define the relationship between the quicktime mime type and the Quicktime player.


session state

mode - This setting determines the storage option for session data. Ektron CMS400.NET only supports InProc. Other session state modes are not supported.


This section sets how the URL Aliasing feature handles URLs with certain extensions. If you have any extension you do not want aliased, add it below the following line using the same syntax.
add verb="*" path="*.png" type="URLRewrite.StaticFileHandler,
Ektron.Cms.URLRewriter" />


This setting determines the maximum size of files that can be uploaded to your server. The default setting is 204,800 kilobytes, or 200 MB.

Enter the desired value in kilobytes. To convert megabytes to kilobytes, go to http://www.onlineconversion.com/computer.htm.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.